Main Entry: Shi·ba Inu
Pronunciation: \ˈshē-bā-ˈē-nü\
Function: noun
Etymology: Japanese shiba-inu, from shiba brushwood + inu dog
: any of a breed of small thick-coated agile dogs developed in Japan
Natto may look miserable but the collar helps him stay visible when walking at night. Safety first! For Christmas this year, Santa Paws brought Kit a whole box of sweet potato flavored dog biscuits. Betsy received an American Kennel Club squeaking pheasant. Nova got a pig ALEX Squeezy Squeaker.
Howdy folks! Christmas is around the corner. What better way to spread the holiday cheer than with Shibal Inus? Click on the image above for full size 8.5"x11" cards. Cut and fold in half. Enjoy!