Main Entry: Shi·ba Inu
Pronunciation: \ˈshē-bā-ˈē-nü\
Function: noun
Etymology: Japanese shiba-inu, from shiba brushwood + inu dog
: any of a breed of small thick-coated agile dogs developed in Japan
Hi everybody! Just wanted to thank everyone who participated in my fundraiser! Donations have been sent to the Animal Rescue Kansai (ARK) today. Your very generous donations came to a grand total of...
* drum roll *
This comes out to be ¥41,646. I hope everyone enjoys their prints and Shibal Inu goods. You are all heroes! *round of applause*
I'll be continuing contributing portions of future sales to the NYC Shiba Rescue. Thanks for caring about our animal friends here and overseas!
Tsunami-surviving dog rescued after three weeks at sea:
I saw this video via Kaiju's Twitter feed. This dog was super lucky. I can't imagine what I'd do stranded for three weeks at sea. There's still time to pick a print! 100% of all proceeds from everything in the store will be donated to ARK to benefit animals from the Japan earthquake and tsunami. Pick-A-Print will end on April 12th!
--- EDIT ---
After rescue, the dog was reunited with its owner!