
Kit as William Wallace.

Here is Kit as William Wallace:

This was taken a few years ago on a cabin trip to upstate New York. Kit, Betsy, and honorary Shibal Inu, Henri are going to another winter cabin trip this weekend! It's gonna be a snow weekend blast. Will be back with more Shibal Inu adventures!

Happy Presidents Day!


bone fairy.

(click to view larger image)

Here is Kit trying to fall asleep despite excitement over visit from the bone fairy:

Kit tends to whine and cry with his bone in his mouth if he can't find a place to "bury" it.

*Shop Update*
I made a big plush Betsy which is currently listed at the Etsy store.
I'm planning on making both big and mini size plushes of all four Shibal Inu characters.
They will be listed as I make them so please make sure to check back into the store!
By the way, check out prize winners The Firefox Girls making friends with Betsy Firefox!

Also, have adjusted quantities and pricing on greeting card sets and totes are for sale at a reduced price.
Get 'em while they're hot!