Main Entry: Shi·ba Inu
Pronunciation: \ˈshē-bā-ˈē-nü\
Function: noun
Etymology: Japanese shiba-inu, from shiba brushwood + inu dog
: any of a breed of small thick-coated agile dogs developed in Japan
woOhoO! Thanks to everyone who participated in my interactive fundraiser! As of noon today, I received a total of 38 comments wishing Kit a happy gotcha day. Kit appreciates all the well wishes! He is certainly one happy dog. This means I'll be donating a total of $38 to the NYC Shiba Rescue. I wasn't able to reach my goal of $50 but I hope this little bit will help shiba inus in need.
If you'd like to make a donation, please visit:
(click to view larger image) *** There's still time to participate in Kit's Gotcha Day interactive fundraiser! I just need 17 more comments! Be a hero! Please help other shiba inus! ***
Congratulations Jen! You'll be getting a framed digital art print of "iPad" :D Please email me at shibal.inus (at) gmail (dot) com with mailing address.
A couple years ago, Kit was brought into the NYC Shiba Rescue by Animal Care and Control. Poor dude was found wandering the south Bronx. It was okay though because a little bit later, he found a great forever home where all his shiba demands are met. As Kit was found as a stray, his actual birth date is unknown but it's okay. We'll be celebrating his gotcha day!Instead of a giveaway for Kit, I'd like to do a little interactive fundraiser for the rescue group who saved both him and Betsy. I'd like to donate a total of $50 to the NYC Shiba Rescue by the end of the month. You can help by leaving a comment on this entry wishing Kit a happy gotcha day!
1 comment will equal $1 for me to donate.
Participating in a fundraiser couldn't be easier! Please help me raise my goal of $50. I know it doesn't seem like much but a little bit can help make a difference and I hope it'll encourage others to give a little too.
If you like, you can make your own donation too:
Please note, 1 comment per person. Please also note, while more than 50 comments are welcome and a great show of support, my goal will remain at $50. Fundraiser entry deadline will be August 31, 2010, noon EST.
[Me + Shibal Inus waiting for treat - SoHo, NY] L-R: Honorary Shibal Inu Henri, Nova, Kit, Betsy and Natto. Shot by Ve.
Howdy everyone! This time last year, I started doodles of my friends' shiba inus: Kit, Betsy, Natto and Nova. They've brought big joy to my life and I'm glad I can share bits of their funny quirks with you. I really do appreciate all those who read my little web comic. I didn't think I'd be able to carry on this long but these four monsters seem to provide endless amount of material. Hope I'll be able to continue drawing cartoon strips and bring out some more chuckles.
Here's a little explanation behind the title of the web comic. According to, the definition for "shibal": "It is a Korean word used mostly in place for the word "fuck" and "shit" in English when something goes wrong. Not to be confused with the verb "fuck." Sometimes it is used as a prefix to some swear words such as shibalnom and shibalsekki." Our Shibal Inu = Our Effing Dogs
This is clearly not a web comic meant for children. The drawings may look cute and clean but sometimes the dogs' language can be quite foul. Considering all four dogs are raised by Korean owners and all have crazy personalities, the title seemed appropriate.
Here's a funny video of a Korean teacher explaining English swear words: Skip to 4:18 for "shibal".
As a big "thank you", I'll be giving away one signed digital art of your favorite Shibal Inu comic strip framed in this lovely IKEA Ribba frame: To enter this giveaway contest, leave a comment and let me know which is your favorite Shibal Inu comic strip!
I will use to draw the winner. Please note: one comment per person. Entry deadline will be August 25, 2010, noon EST.
Good luck! *** Make sure to check back for details of an upcoming fundraiser on behalf of Kit! ***
I spent the weekend making button pins for the Etsy shop:
My very awesome friend, Laura from Prismera, was nice enough to let me use her button making machine. She even made a little video of the button making process:
Kit would be the world's worst boyfriend. He is needy and always wants to be petted. If he's bored, he'll wander over, rest his chin on your lap or poke his nose under your hand until you pat his head.
If I'm petting Betsy, he will come over... butt check her aside...
and take her place to be petted.
One belly rub is never enough. "It's okay Betsy. I love you too."
Here is Kit's eharmony profile picture: "My crossed paws show my sophistication."